How To Host a Winery Bridal Shower

winery theme bridal shower

Are you planning a bridal shower? So, if you think you need to be a wine expert to appreciate it, or if you feel intimidated at wine tastings because of some wine expert, or if you think organizing a wine tasting is too expensive, then let me tell you what you’re thinking.

Yes, you don’t have to be an expert, and having a wine tasting at your wedding shower isn’t going to break the bank.

In truth, there are various methods to hold a low-cost wine tasting at a wedding shower that will be enjoyable. Wine tasting is a fantastic opportunity to introduce yourself, your family, and your friends to new wines while also forming strong bonds over the beverage.

Note: You can also see how to host a kitchen themed bridal shower

A wine tasting is also a terrific chance for experienced tasters to share their expertise and experience throughout the wine tasting. Whether you prefer red or white wine, if you’re organizing a DIY wine tasting, here’s everything you need to know.

Check List for Planning a Winery Bridal Shower

Create a Guest List

As you’re beginning to plan your wine themed bridal shower, one of the first things to do is create a guest list. Your guest list should be comprised of those who are closest to you, both personally and professionally.

Depending on how large or small you would like your guest list to be, you can decide who you want to invite.

Note: Check how to host a coffee-themed bridal shower.

Creating a guest list is one of the best ways to make sure your event is successful. Make sure you have space and seating for all of your guests, but also try to invite guests with similar interests so they can network while celebrating your upcoming wedding.

Select Your Wine

When it comes to entertaining weddings and showers, the first step is selecting your wine. Choosing your wine should be a fun and exciting process. When selecting your wine, it is important that you match the tastes of your guests.

If most of your guests are wine drinkers (versus beer or liquor), then stick with a white or red table wine.

For those who don’t typically drink wine, go with non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice or sparkling cider. Guests who aren’t planning on drinking alcohol need not feel excluded from this special event!

Also, see garden party bridal shower ideas

Deciding on the Quantity

When hosting a wine themed bridal shower, you will most likely be asked to provide wine. The amount of wine depends on the size of group that you plan to have, or if there are going to be games or activities with prizes.

There are many factors in deciding how much wine is correct for your shower, however one way to gauge how much wine each guest will drink is by the amount of food being served at the event.

It’s best to buy one bottle per two people – but this all depends on how much they usually drink per day. If it’s going to be a big wedding, we recommend buying 2 bottles per 3 guests. If you’re having a formal reception, it’s a good idea to order champagne or sparkling wine as well.

Set Them Up Secretly

Set your bottles now. Obviously, you would never expose the brands’ identities. So, to keep each label’s identification hidden, assign each bottle a number. Then you’ll need to make a place mat.

You’ll need to draw placeholders for each glass of wine. You may DIY the place holders for each bottle or add numbered circles for each brand of wine. You may also add a quotation or a note to the paper.

A wine scorecard is another something you’ll want. Your wine scorecard may be made by yourself. You may be creative and make your own scoreboard with a lovely statement or hashtag.

Your wine tasting visitors will be able to keep track of their notes and assign numerical values to each wine using the Scorecard. Finally, ensure that each party visitor has enough pens to write with and enough water to wash cheval.

Decide the theme

The theme of your wine themed bridal shower will help you determine what to include on the invitation, invitations are such an important part of any event and will help set the tone.

Whether you’re throwing a wine tasting bridal shower for a bride who loves wine or one who is passionate about food, you can create a theme that aligns with your vision.

You’ll want to think about theme elements like decor, food, activities and the overall style of the event. Consider her personality, as well. Is she shy and reserved?

An extrovert who loves to dance? Tell your guests that you’re throwing a “girly” bridal shower, no matter what their tastes are.

It’s Time to Execute

You’ve planned and prepared, now it’s time to execute! Remember that the shower should be fun and lively, but you don’t want your guests running around like crazy trying to keep up with everything.

Have a friend or family member who is good at remembering details help you out by taking notes on what needs to get done before the wine tasting bridal shower.

No matter what type of wedding you are going to have, a winery visit is a sure to welcome addition to the party!

Check how to host a bohemian bridal shower

Enjoy the Party

Last but not least, your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, therefore you must savour every moment of it. You must love every aspect of your wine tasting bridal shower, whether it is your wine tasting party or the main wedding.

Your wine tasting party is more than a modest event; it is an opportunity to make lovely memories that you will remember for the rest of your life. As a result, it is critical that you, your family, and friends enjoy each event.

Wrapping up

Your wine tasting party may be as exciting as you want it to be. There are no hard and fast guidelines for how it should be done. The aim is to enjoy wine, but there are no rules on how to do it.

When tasting wine, it’s crucial to remember to use all of your senses. How will you know how the wine smells, tastes, etc. until you activate your senses?

Note: You can also host a brunch and bubbly themed bridal shower.

Remember the four “S” (see, swirl, smell, and sip) while tasting the wine; this is the formula. First, look at the wine, then swirl it in your glass to assist release the aroma, and last, smell it. There are no wrong answers, so don’t be hesitant to describe the odour.

Finally, give the wine a try. Take a sip of wine while inhaling deeply; this will aerate the wine and bring out its characteristics. Hold the wine in your lips and taste it.

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